
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Meeting Funding Requirements for Your Start-Up

Serial Entrepreneurs Mike Stonebraker and Andy Palmer Sound Off 

Ok, you have the #1 requirement for starting a company:
  a good idea that’s commercializableNow, what’s the best way to get the money you need to build your start-up? 

Andy Palmer
First, figure out how much capital you really need – before you go out asking for money. Then, go and get it – carefully.  Just because someone wants to give you money doesn’t mean you should take it.
Determining capital requirements: Having done start-ups in biotech and information technology, I’ve seen first-hand that different types of companies have very different capital requirements. (More on this in a minute.)
Regardless of your industry, be thorough and dispassionate about determining your capital requirements. Push yourself to figure out how to be capital-efficient. Ask yourself: “How can we make the most progress on the least amount of money in the shortest period of time?” How well you optimize the capital you raise can make a huge difference in how quickly the company progresses and how you protect the value of common shareholders’ equity.
In biotech in particular, the landscape is littered with companies that raised (and spent) so much money that the value of their common stock at company sale is lower than when the company started.  I know – bummer – right?  Especially if you are successful in achieving your mission and building a successful companyL.
Some companies are fundamentally capital-intensive in their early days. In biotech, you often need a great deal of physical infrastructure, which can consume capital.  In information technology, some companies can be completely bootstrapped all the way through to profitability. This is increasingly the case because technology companies today can use cloud-based resources to radically reduce start-up costs. 
Regardless of industry, capital efficiency is ALWAYS a good idea. Often I watch entrepreneurs spend a huge amount of effort and time trying to raise money. Later, even those who are successful often realize that they might have created more value for the business and avoided the need for fundraising altogether if they had invested more time, energy and effort in acquiring customers or building product. 
So, it’s a good general practice to ask yourself “How little money could I raise and still achieve my mission and exceed my expectations for the company?”   
Getting the money:  If and when you do go out to raise capital, develop a strategy and set of tactics that minimize the time and the number of people you need to meet before you get the money into the bank.  Remember that venture investors get paid to meet with you: don’t automatically interpret their interest as an indication that they think you’re doing great (either pre-funding or post-funding). To venture investors, all that really matters is that you make them money and improve their “batting average” (returns relative to all their other deals.)   
Assuming that you know what kind of capital you need in order to be successful, my recommended approach is as follows. It’s pretty simple.
(1) Identify an investor (or two) that you trust.  I’m not talking about a firm, but a person. Without someone who you trust, the start-up process (a roller coaster on a good day) will be riddled with second-guessing, a lot of time wasted on educating investors, and more angst than fun. (For more on the importance of trust in funding relationships, read Jo Tango’s posts on trust. Jo really gets it.)
(2) Line up people who can reference your character, abilities, commitment and values.  This step is often the hardest for first-time or young entrepreneurs, but it’s essential. Make sure that your prospective investors can talk to people who know you well and can describe – empirically, openly and honestly – your strengths and weaknesses. 
(3) Prepare a simple and thoughtful description of your idea and how you will make money.  This is the area where a lot of start-up founders get into trouble.  They spend a lot of time writing detailed business plans with lots of text, tables and charts.  Often detailed business plans created early in a company’s life-cycle are nothing more than a confidence-building exercise: you were trying to convince outsiders that you know for certain things that are fundamentally uncertain. Investors strongly prefer a short, powerful and direct summary of your plan.
(4) Write – and commit to memory – a pragmatic description of how you will execute on your mission.  How will you hire and retain the people you need at the company? What are your key challenges – technically, organizationally, operationally – and how will you meet them? I’m not suggesting a long document. But you must know these things well enough so that, if asked, you could stand up at a whiteboard and communicate the important points and drivers.
Steps #1 and #2 may feel “soft and fuzzy,” but in my experience, they’re required.  Who you take money from and your mutual trust with those individuals and their firms are essential for both short-term and long-term success in achieving your mission.
When meeting with first-time entrepreneurs, I always work hard to make the sessions informal.  I prefer to avoid the filter of PowerPoint slides and try to understand people’s primary motivations and the clarity of their core ideas and principles.  (That’s not to say you shouldn’t have a PowerPoint presentation or equivalent prepared – just don’t hide behind it.)
If you have a solid idea, know how much money you need to raise, have good primary motivations and have clarity of your core ideas and principles, you should be able to raise the money required.
So you have a good idea.  The next question everybody asks me is “What does it take to get it funded?”  The requirements differ for angel-funded start-ups and venture-capital-backed start ups.  Since I have never had angel funding but have arranged VC backing for eight start-ups, here is my simple (but depressing) answer to the question of VC backing.
Mike Stonebraker
You need “lighthouse customers.”  I discussed this in my previous blog post as a requirement.  To recap, these are real-world potential customers who will say “I like the idea, and if it works as promised, I will buy it.”  Every VC will ask to talk to a few of these sorts of people to validate that a market exists for your product.
You need a prototype.  In effect, you need some sort of demo that you can show the VCs.  The secret is that this demo can be hard-coded with limited functionality: for example, it only runs the queries in the demo script.  Hence it can be very “quick and dirty.”  However, I have not seen a VC who will open his checkbook without being able to see a demo.  In addition, I have never seen a lighthouse customer who will bless an idea without a similar prototype.  Hence, if you don’t have a prototype, figure out how to get one. 
You need a pitch deck.  This should be a PowerPoint presentation that surrounds your demo. The presentation (plus the demo) should be no more than 20 minutes long, since VCs typically have limited attention spans.  It should concisely state the problem you are solving, how you are going to solve it, and how you will market your resulting product.  You should also have a slide indicating how much money you are looking for, what you will spend it on, and over what timeframe.  There is no need to write a business plan; your slide deck should summarize what such a plan would have in it if it existed.  A VC will almost never let you go through your deck in order, so you will be forced to skip around. Make sure your deck is structured to make this possible, and that you can change course quickly.
You need a core technical team.  This is two or three programmers who can hit the ground running.  Presumably, they have been involved in thinking up the idea, and/or coding the prototype.  Hence, they should already exist.
You need one business executive.  This is usually the hard part.  VCs have the adage “If you haven’t done it before, you can’t do it.” In other words, they want to minimize their risk by betting on somebody with a track record.  If you are a techie with a good idea but little or no hands-on experience running a business, then you will need to recruit this person.  If you are an MBA-type, then you will have to recruit a “gray beard” who has done it before.  If you have done it before, you are golden; you pass this particular hurdle. 
So how do you find this person?  I have two answers.  First, network like mad in your local area.  In the Boston/Cambridge area, there are any number of business executives looking for the “next great thing.”   Tell everyone you know what you are doing, and ask for referrals.  Second, try to get an audience with a friendly VC.  Say you are looking for talent.  The VCs have big personal databases of business executives and are used to matchmaking.
Get an audience.  Have the business executive start calling VC firms.  Invariably, he will have enough clout to get them to ask for your pitch deck.  Based on the deck, you may get an audience: that is, an hour of some VC’s time.  An audience does not mean much of anything these days; see the next bullet point.
Be ready for “rock fetches.”  The result of an audience is one of two things.  Either the VC will go silent: i.e., he is not interested.  This will be the typical VC reaction.  However, sometimes the VC will be interested.  In this case, he will try to get you to do the “homework,” that he would ordinarily be expected to do.  The usual way this happens is that the VC will ask you to present the same pitch to a few of his “friends.” 
For example, I am routinely asked by VCs to evaluate pitches for them.  The VC gets a few trusted eyeballs to look over your idea and will base next steps on what they say.   These friends are usually people the VC has funded before or possible executives that might be interested in joining your team.  Usually rock fetches occur sequentially: please pitch to my associate X, now pitch to my associate Y, and so on.   Be prepared for a lot of these. 
The depressing fact of life is that it may take months to get past the rock-fetch stage with a VC.  As you have probably surmised, you will be in this stage with several VCs simultaneously. Be prepared to log a lot of hours. 
The good news is that this process will help you refine your pitch, find and fix holes in your story, and perhaps get a business executive in the process.  The bad news is that it takes months, and is very distracting from your real mission: to move your company down the field.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

To Start a Company, Start with a Good Idea

What Makes a Commercially Viable Idea? It Depends.

Mike Stonebraker says

I hang out in a university where new ideas are everywhere.  In fact, the product of the CSAIL lab at M.I.T. is arguably new ideas.  I am asked routinely “What constitutes an idea that is commercializable?”  Put differently: “How do I tell if my idea is commercializable?”  I have three different answers to this question.
Mike Stonebraker

Here is some context for why I have three different answers to such a seemingly straightforward question.

During the Internet bubble of the late 1990s, almost any idea could get funding.  For example, one company proposed to sell pet food over the Internet.  On the face of it, this is a bad idea.  Pet food is much like cement – it does not travel well.  Shipping cement in huge quantities to local depots (your neighborhood building supplies store) where you pick it up is clearly the right distribution model.  Sending cement via FedEx is obviously silly.  Because pet food is very much like cement, Internet sales in small volumes is not going to work out well. 

However, practical realities like this did not dissuade venture capital investors from backing multiple companies of this sort. 

Hence, my first answer is: “If the times are right, any hare-brained idea can get funded.”   There’s a famous chart presented by Gartner Research that depicts the lifecycle of new technologies, from inception through a peak in the hype cycle (where totally unrealistic expectations are set) through the trough of disillusionment (when the technology fails to live up to its hype) and finally to some stable market.  Using this model, I would formalize the following adage:

Adage #1: In a technology area at its peak of the Gartner hype cycle, almost anything is fundable.

Or: “Almost any idea is fundable if the time is right.”

The second answer to this question is “I have no idea.” There has been any number of companies that presented me with their business propositions and I reacted with “I don’t get it.”   Embarrassingly enough, several went on to be successful.  Especially in the area of the consumer Internet, hare-brained ideas can apparently be very successful.  These include goofy games (e.g., Angry Birds), avatar adventures (e.g., Second Life), and even broadcast text messaging (Twitter).  Therefore, I am beginning to think I have little idea what will be successful, at least in this market.  This leads to Adage #2.

Adage #2:  The goofiest things may be successful.  Don’t listen to naysayers with gray hair.

The third answer to this question is: In the area of enterprise technology, where I have a fair amount of experience, I can actually answer the question with confidence.  If you have an idea that you want to commercialize, go build a quick and dirty prototype.  Then go find three or four enterprise customers who will stand up and say “If this thing works as advertised, I will buy it.”  Ultimately, venture capital investors will believe a market exists if you prove it in the above fashion.  Hence, I actually believe Adage #3:

Adage #3:  Commercializable ideas are those for which you can demonstrate that a market exists using a prototype and your shoe leather to find real customers.

An example of this adage was the stream processing engine, StreamBase.  We built a prototype (Aurora) and then made the rounds of Wall Street firms (our target customers) to get positive endorsements.  We expended a fair amount of shoe leather to ultimately get our A round investment.

Boiling all this down, I think it’s pretty simple today: To find out if your idea is commercially viable, start by building a prototype and getting buy-in from your target customers.

Andy Palmer

Andy Palmer says:

My short answer is: technical innovation that delivers radical new value to users.  

Start-ups are new companies, not just new technologies. So, your idea must be significant enough to inspire the mission of a new company that will pursue that mission for many decades. In other words: your great idea is just the starting point, so it needs to have implications that are broader than just being a better mousetrap.     

Yes, there are certainly successful, profitable companies without technically innovative ideas that have created value for their customers by making them more efficient. In the software industry, there are many examples of companies that create value through rationalization and efficiency: Computer Associates, Progress Software, and Trilogy are just a few.

In fact, I believe that there’s a valid argument that says the software industry should go through a significant change and that efficiency of engineering matters a lot more than pure technical innovation. (Most large software companies spend far more on engineering than is actually required to maintain their products for their customers.) 

There are also many ideas that are innovative – just not innovative enough to create the kind of non-incremental value for customers that makes a great start-up.  Most ideas in software these days fall into this class: perhaps interesting, perhaps innovative, but essentially incremental improvements on existing products and services.

I don’t believe that either of these “idea categories” are the stuff of great start-ups today, however.

Mike and I have tended to found companies that create value through technical innovation rather than creating efficiency. Why?  Because we’re usually inspired (or annoyed and frustrated) by big unsolved problems – the solutions for which will make a big contribution to the world. And get other entrepreneurs thinking about how to displace our solutions, continuing the cycle of radical innovation.

So, if you:

·         want to start a company that is based on technical innovation AND
·         want to start a company that has a huge potential contribution to make to the world AND
·         you have an idea that is radically differentiated

You next need to ascertain whether your idea is significant enough to be the starting point for a great new company.

Ask yourself these three questions:

(1)  Who will buy and use my product? Does he need what I’m selling – and how do I know? (Hint: The “who” is NOT a company. It’s a human being with a job, a paycheck and a responsibility to his employer. His goal is not to help you with your new idea. Your job is to help that person with your product.)

(2)  Is there an easier way for that person to achieve the benefit that my product provides? (The right answer is “no.”  If there is an easier way, go home.)

(3)  Does my product instinctively make that person question the way he or she is currently doing something? (If so, that’s good because it usually takes a big, non-risky idea to make most people change their behavior.)  

If you get the good answers to these three questions, you probably have a good idea.

Lastly, behind every truly great idea are two vitally important ingredients: mission and commitment.

Great companies are defined by great missions.  Having innovative technology may be enough to start a new company, but building a successful, independent new company requires an inspirational and aspirational mission.  Think about Google’s mission statement: “Manage the world’s information.” It’s accurate, simple, powerful, inspirational.  The best missions are like that. Our mission at Vertica was to prove that “one size does not fit all in database systems” (we proved this).  By the way, if you have to hire a consultant to define your mission, you’re probably doomed. Better to stop and go work for someone else.

Great companies are also defined by great commitment. There are many people who are happy to start companies that serve their lifestyles. Sometimes these companies experience tremendous growth, but, more often than not, their growth and contributions are incremental. As a company founder, you’ll need to constantly push the boundaries of technical innovation to create the radical value that will change your customers’ lives. This requires discipline, focus and often sacrifice. But the rewards – monetary and emotional – can be substantial for the right kind of entrepreneur.

Introducing the Starting-a-Company Blog

The Top 10 Questions We Get – And Our Answers

As technology entrepreneurs, we’ve jointly launched more than 13 start-ups.  Most of these ventures have been pretty successful, like Vertica Systems, which we co-founded in 2005 and sold to HP in 2011. Others were less successful.  But we love launching start-ups and so we soldier on, both in founding new start-ups and investing in other entrepreneurs’ start-ups.

In our many encounters with entrepreneurs and company founders, we get a lot of questions about how to start a company.  Everything from sweeping questions like “What one thing made Vertica a success?” to the basics like “What makes a Series A different from a Series B?”

In this blog, we’ll put our heads together to identify the questions we hear most frequently and give you our individual answers to each question, presented in pairs.  Since we work together as well as independently on starting companies, this exercise should be interesting.  We may disagree on some things, but we guarantee you’ll get candid, practical and road-tested advice that you can put to work in your ventures.

Here are the top 10 questions we will be answering in the coming weeks and months:  

How do I turn my great idea into a business?

What are the “musts” I need for securing financing?

How can I avoid “rock fetches” and other wastes of my time?

How do I determine the best stock distribution plan for my business?

How should I get the best terms?

What’s the difference between seed, Series A and Series B?

When do I need to change the CEO?

How do I avoid spend and feature creep?

How do I manage my VCs?

How do I protect my intellectual property?

We may answer other questions or address other newsworthy topics along the way, but promise that we will get to all 10 questions.

We hope that you’ll follow us, comment, and share your own experiences.